Simple & clean notes of Bio - Molecule Structure for bio medical engineering for students & professionals. This app contain important topics which are given below chapterwise :
Chapter 1. Molecule Structure
Biosynthesis of carbohydrates
Chapter 2. Structure of RNA and DNA
Structure of RNA and DNA
Biological significance of histoprotein
Binding of non histoprotein material
Synthetic DNA
Chapter 3. Thermodynamic nature of biomolecules
Laws of thermodynamics
Activity coefficients and equilibrium
Biological system as non equilibrium system
Failure of classical thermodynamics
Chapter 4. Irreversible biological processes
Irreversible biological processes
Concepts of thermodynamics flux and force
Entropy Production
Constitutive equations
Onsager Relations
Prigogine principle
Chapter 5. Concept of coupling in biological processes
Thermodynamics of coupled biochemical reaction
Cells as non-equilibrium stationary states
Passive and active transport
Curie’s Law
Glycolysis oscillation biological clocks
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">nota ringkas & bersih Bio - Struktur Molekul untuk kejuruteraan perubatan bio untuk pelajar & profesional. Aplikasi ini mengandungi topik-topik penting yang diberikan di bawah chapterwise:
Bab Struktur 1. Molekul
Biosintesis karbohidrat
Bab 2. Struktur RNA dan DNA
Struktur RNA dan DNA
kepentingan biologi histoprotein
Mengikat bahan histoprotein bukan
DNA sintetik
Bab 3. termodinamik sifat biomolekul
Undang-undang termodinamik
pekali aktiviti dan keseimbangan
sistem biologi sistem keseimbangan bukan
Kegagalan termodinamik klasik
Bab 4. proses biologi Irreversible
proses biologi tidak boleh diubah
Konsep termodinamik fluks dan daya
Entropy Pengeluaran
persamaan juzuk
Perhubungan Onsager
prinsip Prigogine
Bab 5. Konsep gandingan dalam proses biologi
Termodinamik tindak balas biokimia ditambah
Sel sebagai bukan keseimbangan negeri pegun
pengangkutan pasif dan aktif
Undang-undang ini Curie
Glikolisis ayunan jam biologi</div> <div class="show-more-end">